I often go back in time, remembering my days of traveling around the world with the US Navy, on the ships I was given the opportunity to serve aboard. I served aboard 5 ships and left the Navy with 12 years at sea, out of my 15 years of service. I spent a lot of time on ships as you can see. I find myself missing the travel, the countries I visited, the cultures I experienced and the lifestyle of living in the military. I have many times said, the greatest man I have ever met was while I was serving in the US Navy, and that is still true today. He was a great influence on my life, and helped form the man I am today.
I am posting some pictures of the ships I served aboard and traveled the oceans on. I served on two destroyers, and three aircraft carriers. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
The ships in order (from the top down):
1. The USS Enterprise CVN-65
2. The USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72
3. The USS Forrestal CVA-59
4. The USS Charles F. Adams DDG-2
5. The USS Dyess DD-880
Ships of My Navy Career
Illegal or Foreign Nationals?
I would like to share the following article which can be found on WorldNetDaily.com. I came across it doing some research and found myself not wanting to believe a member of our judicial system could actually do this. I stand by the fact that the word "illegal" means that there has been a violation of a law. Anyone entering this country, in violation of our laws, therefore would be termed an "illegal" immigrant. If this term is found to be insensitive, then perhaps these "illegals" should not have violated our laws in the first place. Laws which were established for a purpose, and laws which many have abided by to become citizens of our country. One of the terms being sought for use is "foreign nationals". Of course they are indeed foreign nationals, but if they have entered the U.S. illegally, they still are "illegal immigrants". Again, I say the term is correct and proper. It really isn't the correctness of the term we are dealing with here, it is the "bias" we are seeing by the judge who wants the term removed. I completely agree with the writer of the below article, why not just call a drug dealer an "undocumented pharmacist". I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of of this type of "junk". And, yes...I do mean "junk". I welcome your comments. DON'T THINK SO! Court: Quit saying 'illegal aliens' But critics say, 'Let's call drug dealers undocumented pharmacists' Posted: November 08, 2008 12:40 am Eastern © 2008 WorldNetDaily Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Ruth McGregor stirred up a hornet's nest by endorsing a demand from the Hispanic Bar Association to censor words and phrases such as "illegal aliens" and "illegal immigrants" and substitute "foreign nationals" in court documents. Then, when a blog at Judicial Watch reported on the instructions, court officials threatened to sue the government-watchdog organization, prompting its release of a statement defending the story. The original report said the chief justice had agreed to forward to judges the Hispanic Bar's demands to alter the language in court opinions and documents. Judicial Watch said, "In a strongly worded letter to the chief justice, Los Abogados' [Hispanic Bar Association] president says attaching an illegal status to a person establishes a brand of contemptibility, creates the appearance of anti-immigrant prejudice and tarnishes the image of courts as a place where disputes may be fairly resolved." The letter, according to Judicial Watch, criticized the state's high court for using the term "illegals" in at least two opinions and the term "illegal aliens" in dozens of others. Judicial Watch said the letter concludes with a list of acceptable and unacceptable terms relating to illegal immigration. Among the terms the group wants banned are "immigration crisis,' "immigration epidemic,' "open borders advocates", "anchor babies" and "invaders." Acceptable terms are "foreign nationals," "unauthorized workers" and "human rights advocates," Judicial Watch said. The report almost immediately was followed with a response from the court, Judicial Watch reported. "The Arizona Supreme Court has threatened to sue Judicial Watch for revealing that its chief justice agreed to enforce a Hispanic Bar Association demand to ban the terms 'illegal' and 'aliens' in all of the state’s courtrooms," the organization said in a statement late today. "In a threatening phone call to Judicial Watch today, a spokesperson for Arizona's Supreme Court denied that Chief Justice McGregor had banned anything and accused Judicial Watch of 'slander.' Judicial Watch, however, stands by its story," the organization said. The letter, to which Judicial Watch provided a link, said McGregor took several steps to notify judges of the concerns raised by the bar association. She confirmed she had provided copies of the demands to judges and concluded, "If Judge Song Ong has not already done so, I request that the Commissionon on Minorities in the Judiciary consider whether any further distribution of your request would be helpful." The request from the Hispanic Bar Association, signed by Los Abogados President Lizzette Alameda Zubey and president-elect Salvador Ongaro, said it wanted McGregor to communicate "these points to all judges and court employees in Arizona so that none of these hurtful terms are used in Arizona court documents or proceedings again. "Putting this in greater perspective, even a convicted murderer is never referred to as an 'illegal' because of that conviction," the bar association letter said. "Those that use the terms as an instrument of hate know that it insults and incenses those that oppose their views," said the letter, which cited several court document uses of the terms. "We believe it essential to ongoing public dialogue to eliminate hate speech in all forms and to strip away all vestiges of perceived bias," the group said. It said acceptable terms are "undocumented immigrants," "foreign nationals," "persons without legal immigration status," "unauthorized workers" and "alleged or suspected undocumented immigrants." However, the association said "illegals," "illegal aliens," "aliens," "resident or non-resident aliens," "illegal immigrants," "scratchbacks or wetbacks," "armies of immigrants," "invaders," "reconquistadores" and "anchor babies" should be banned. On the Judicial Watch forums page the arguments included the technical. "Yes, the concept of citizen implies that it can be legal or illegal, based upon the laws that confer citizenship in any particular jurisdiction. If members of a Supreme Court do not understand this, we are in a lot of trouble as a nation. God help us," wrote Gianni. Others exhibited less patience with the request. "If the Hispanic Bar likes that, then let's call drug dealers undocumented pharmacists, and home robbery suspects physical property adjusters," said the commenter. "I know a moron when I hear one." They also got personal, "She must have gotten her law degree out of a box of Cracker Jacks," said another. "Calling an ILLEGAL ALIEN an 'undocumented immigrant,' 'unauthorized worker,' 'or 'human rights advocate' not only is non descriptive of the individual, it is the same as calling a burglar an 'unwanted house guest.' Get real!" "How about felonious foreigner," suggested another. | ||||
Have We Lost The Will?
Have we as a nation finally lost the will to be free? Have we lost the will to defend our country and remain a sovereign nation? How much will we give up, how much will we sacrifice, before its too late? What is the fate of our nation, if President-Elect Obama awards amnesty to over 20 million illegal immigrants?
I have often wondered, if instead of calling it illegal immigration, we shouldn't be calling it a "foreign invasion". The ramifications of this invasion are just as dramatic and destructive as any "terrorist" act. This invasion is spreading across our country at such a rapid rate, its hard to comprehend just how it can be happening. I live here in the beautiful mountains of Eastern Tennessee, and here are some statistics regarding Tennessee:
1. Between the years of 2000 - 20004 the Hispanic population of 3 counties grew by over 70%.
2. In Robertson county it grew by over 95%!
3. In 7 other Tennessee counties, it grew by over 45%.
The state of Tennessee is not a "border state", but what is taking place here in Tennessee is happening all across America. At an alarming rate. Consider the costs (as I have blogged about earlier) associated with this invasion.
These numbers were released in 2006, so today, they are even more. The costs to American taxpayers:
1. Education $22.5 Billion
2. Bi-lingual Education $3.3 Billion
3. SSI $2.9 Billion
4. Social Security $24.8 Billion
5. Housing $2.6 Billion
6. Criminal Justice $2.6 Billion
7. Americans Losing Jobs $10.8 Billion
8. Food Stamps $7.0 Billion
9. Health Care $1.4 Billion
The greatest threat I believe, is the potential for terrorist activity that this massive invasion brings. How many of these "illegals" have criminal records when they enter the U.S., and how many are currently wanted for criminal charges? How many of these "illegal invaders" have been trained and then brought across our border for the purpose of attacking our people and our nation? No one knows, no one. Mr. Obama doesn't have any idea, nor does any of his chosen few. We do know, however, that a significant majority of our prison population is composed of these illegals. Consider for a moment, with all the illegals already residing in America, with criminal records...how hard would it be for a foreign power to recruit and train them for terrorist activities. Not very hard at all, this of course, does not include those I have already mentioned that were recruited prior to entry into our country.
Have we lost the will to be free? When will stand up and say "enough is enough"? When will we demand of our leaders that action, true action, be taken to keep us free and to keep us safe? Secure our borders, now. Take action regarding all illegal immigrants, and forget giving them amnesty, only a ride to the border. I welcome your comments.
What's next?
The Jacksonville News reported on December 16th, that a 9 year old girl in Clay County, had been accused of selling drugs. The drugs this young lady was accused of selling...were Vitamin C drops. The young girl's father is demanding answers as to how his daughter could be accused of selling drugs and now be facing possible punishment for handing out a Vitamin C drop.
The young forth grader during an interview, stated that her teacher had accused her of selling drugs in school. "She saw me with the cough drops out and I guess she saw me give it to one of my friends, and then like, 'Oh, I see this good business going on around you". The young girl then stated, that the teacher told her that she was selling drugs in school. The alleged drugs were the Halls Defense Vitamin C drops, which the girl's father had given her while she was getting over a cold. The father has yet to receive a letter or notification from the school in regards to the incident.
It is amazing that we have finally reached a place in our country, that a 9 year can actually be accused of selling drugs when it's a Vitamin C drop. How far will we go, before we realize we need to use a little "common sense". Vitamin C? Come on now, Vitamin C? What will be next? Chocolate? After all, it does have caffeine in its makeup, a known drug. Will we soon her of a child being accused of selling drugs, only to hear its a chocolate bar. I suppose there is also a section somewhere in the Patriot Act that states if a 9 year old is caught giving, trading or selling a Vitamin C drop, they are to be considered the enemy. It is easy for me to understand why so many of us are quickly becoming more and more disillusioned with the laws of our land. Where have all the sensible people gone? I welcome your thoughts and comments.
Israel's "Robo-Snipers" and Protecting Her Borders
Israeli "Auto Kill Zone" Towers
Connected via fiber optics to a remote operator station
and a command-and-control center, each machine
gun-mounted station serves as a type of robotic sniper,
capable of enforcing a nearly 1,500-meter-deep no-go zone.
The United States, has been for a while now, trying to install a string of sensor-laden "sentry" towers along the U.S.-Mexico border. The purpose of the towers, of course, would be to detect illicit entry into the U.S. The attempt, thus far, has only achieved limited success. Israel, however, has constructed their own set of towers to guard their borders, and these towers include automatic guns.
The Israeli towers are basically what may be called a "remote weapons station", which are installed atop these towers. This tactic creates a predetermined set of "automated kill zones" by being able to network together remotely controlled machine guns, sensors and even drones. These towers will be positioned at intervals along the border covering the predetermined zones. The towers will be protected and secured by alarms, sensors and steel doors.
The U.S. has attempted to install a "virtual fence" along a 28 mile stretch on the Texas-Mexico border, but has been able to do so. Why can we not learn from our ally and apply their technology to securing our borders? After all, Israel will use their towers for the same purpose the U.S. would be using the "virtual fence" along our borders. I welcome your comments and your thoughts.
Ohio Sherriff Refuses to Process Heartless Evictions
FOX 28
December 11, 2008
HAMILTON, Ohio (AP) — A sheriff in southwest Ohio has ordered deputies to ignore eviction orders when people have nowhere else to live.
Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones says evictions in winter weather and during an economic recession are heartless and those cases should be sent back to the courts and resolved some other way.
Jones on Tuesday ordered deputies to ensure that people have shelter before they’re forced out of their homes. He also sent a letter to Gov. Ted Strickland asking him to issue a state order to stop forced evictions for at least the winter months.
The sheriff could face court action if a bank or landlord challenges his refusal to honor a court-ordered eviction. Jones says he will face any consequences of his order.
This is a case I believe will be worth watching, as it continues to evolve. Sheriff Jones has made it very clear that he will not place families on the street, in the cold of winter, with no place to go.
Sheriff Jones made the following statement during a recent interview:
“It doesn’t cost much for me to be compassionate, and I’m not going to cause somebody to die because I wasn’t compassionate,” Jones said."
Sheriff Jones, in his letter to the governor, went on to say:
"I am concerned that these people will not be able to find shelter and someone will die," the letter says. "This would be the equivalent of receiving the death penalty for being behind on your payments.
"In the meantime, if we discover that those being set out have no place to go and risk freezing and starving to death, I will refuse to serve this order and send the paperwork back to the courts," Jones wrote.
Sheriff Jones made it clear in his statements that his intent was not to break the law, but to find those families being evicted somewhere to go, before they were kicked out on the street. He stated that if his office should receive an eviction notice and it is discovered that the residents do not have shelter available for them and their children, that he would return the case to the courts until alternative housing could be found.
I believe here stands a Patriot, and a leader with a heart. This Sheriff, at the risk of being prosecuted, has taken a stand to make a difference. A difference, I know in the lives of many people who are now being evicted. I understand that the banks and mortgage companies need to be paid, but Sheriff Jones is saying "let's be humane" in the way we are going about doing this. I applaud Sheriff Jones as he continues to stand, and as he will allow the people to "judge him by his actions". I welcome your comments and thoughts.
Turkey and the Throne of the Antichrist
I ended my last post, by stating that I believe the Antichrist will come from the modern country of Turkey. I know that there are many arguments for believing that the Antichrist will arise out of a restored "Roman Empire", or that he will emerge from Syria, but today I will try to present my reasons for believing he will come from Turkey.
The prophet in the book of Ezekiel gives us a list of ten countries which will come against and attack Israel in the future. These ten countries shall comprise the Antichrist's Empire. We find in the 38th Chapter of Ezekiel, that the prophet addresses the Antichrist by the name of "Gog". In a land that then was known as "Magog", this name "Gog" referred to the ruler(s) of that land. Ezekiel, in Chapter 38, specifies the countries which will be led by "Gog" and attack Israel.
These are the nations that will comprise the forces of the Antichrist:
Beth Togormah
and "many nations with you".
I find it interesting, that out of the eight nations listed, that seven of them are found in the book of Genesis as being the descendants of Noah and his sons. We know that bible scholars have been able to trace Noah's sons to certain locations and to a certain people in our modern world. Nations which you will see are primarily Islamic countries.
Meshek and Tubal
It is generally believed that these people lived south, of what today are known as the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. We know that today these nations would be Turkey, and parts of what are Southern Russia and Northern Iran.
The location of "Magog" has been, and is currently still debated by many people. Some believe that "Magog" is to be found in what is now Southern Russia, while others believe it is what is Syria or Turkey. There are ancient writings that tell us it is made up of Azerbajian, Afghanistan, Turkestan, Chechnya, Turkey, Iran and Dagestan. "Magog" in the book of Ezekiel is known as the "chief" of "Meshek and Tubal", and knowing that "Meshek and Tubal" were primarily in Turkey, it would follow that "Magog" most likely would be located in Turkey also. This would allow "Magog" to be able to rule over these two countries. We know from the scripture, that the Antichrist (Gog) shall come out of "Magog", which I believe to be Turkey.
It is no mystery that Persia has been identified as Iran. In fact, many Iranians, as well as a host of other people, still refer to Iran as Persia. We know that Iran is a nation of Muslims, and is a major player in the end time events.
"...and I will make the land of Egypt a ruin and a desolate waste from Migdol to Aswan , as far as the border of Cush."
Ezekiel 29:9-10
As the above scripture tells us, Cush was often related to the country of Egypt in the Bible. Many times scholars simply translated "Cush" as being Ethiopia, though I'm not sure that is a correct interpretation. We do know that this country was a country that bordered Egypt, and that the prophet Isaiah spoke of the rivers of Cush. So, we must look for a country that borders Egypt and is a country of many rivers. As we look at a map of the Middle East, we see only one country that fits this description, the country of Sudan. We find that out of Sudan, flow five rivers which feed the Nile River of Egypt. Sudan is also an Islamic country.
We learn from the Bible, that Put is a area that is west of Egypt. The modern day country that is west of Egypt is Libya. This location has been generally accepted by most scholars, but some still include the nations of Algeria, Morocco and Tunis. Once more, we are able to see that these too are Islamic nations.
It was known in the ancient times that Gomer was Gimarrai, located in the north of Asia Minor. This area was also known as Cappadocia, which today is "central Turkey". Again, we have a country which is Islamic.
We know that Togarmah was descended from Noah and within Assyrian records was know as "Tilgarimmu". In what was called Anatolia, Tilgarimmu was a city state. This area of Anatolia is the modern Turkey, at or near what is the Syrian border. This therefore, would be the southeastern part of Turkey. Once more, we find that of the eight countries listed to attack Israel, another one is found in the modern day country of Turkey. We are able to see that five out of the eight countries are to be found in modern day Turkey. The other countries listed, being Libya, Sudan and Iran, with Turkey, surround the nation of Israel. The Islamic forces of the Antichrist cover Israel on every side.
The world of Islam awaits the one they call the "Mahdi", their leader and messiah. I believe that this man of sin, will be the Antichrist and shall arise out of the country of Turkey. The bible tells us that "satan's throne" resided in what is now Turkey, once more I believe satan will rule from this throne through the one known as the Antichrist. A Muslim, and the leader of the nations that will attack Israel.
The Nationality of the Antichrist
I was talking with a family member a short time ago, and was asked a question that brought back thoughts from earlier studies I had done. It seems to be a question that is being asked quite often in this time we live, and one which has had several answers given. I was asked, "From where will the Antichrist come?". These thoughts are mine, from the studies I have done and though many of us do agree, there will be those of you who will not agree. I hope that my post today will lead you to a deeper study of God's Word and a greater desire to serve Him.
(Click on map to enlarge).
In the book of Daniel, we learn that Daniel called the Antichrist the "leader who will come, the little horn, the beast and the stern faced king." Daniel in the 11th Chapter referred to the Antichrist as "the king of the North". It was this king of the North and the land of the North that the prophet Jeremiah spoke of as being the territory of Assyria and Babylon. In the year 626 B.C., the Assyrian territory was taken by the Babylonians. The capitols of both Assyria and Babylon (Asshur and Babylon) were located in the modern day country of Iraq. The empires of Assyria and Babylon compromised what are the present day
countries of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
In the book of Ezekiel, the Antichrist is called "Gog, the chief prince, from the land of Magog" It is believed that the ancient area of Magog was composed of some of the present day countries of Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Georgia, and some parts of Russia located near the Black Sea.
The book of Isaiah proclaims the Antichrist as " The Assyrian and the king of Assyria". It is believed, that Isaiah, in calling the Antichrist the Assyrian was speaking to where he would come from. The ancient territory of Assyria included modern day Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.
Again and again, the bible refers to the Antichrist coming from the area of the Middle East. It is clear that he will arise out of one of these nations, and though there are many who believe he will come from the nation of Syria, I believe that he may arise out of the nation of Turkey. I will try to in a future posting, give my reasoning for Turkey being the nation of the Antichrist.
Homosexuality A Sign of The Times
In the Bible we read the story of Lot, and of Sodom and Gomorrah, in Genesis Chapter 19. It is there that we read the account God gives of why and how these two cities were destroyed. Today, as we look out over our world, we again see "The Days of Lot" and are reminded of the God's prophetic word:
Luke 17:28- 30: "Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed."
I believe that the sins of Sodom are a "signal sign" pointing to the soon return of Christ, and the end of time. The world we live in today is filled with spiritual darkness and all types of sexual immorality. Lot lived among and was surrounded by a perverse and evil people. A people consumed by homosexuality.
Genesis 19:4: But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where [are] the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
Jude 1:7 "Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange (Greek: different, other) flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
The truth is that the heart of man has not changed, it only has become more depraved.
How many generations have come and gone since "The Days of Lot"? In each and every generation there has been a repetition of the same mistakes, the same rebellions and yes, the same stubbornness. There, however, has always been a plan in place, God's plan and His plan will be fullfilled. Man, he too has had a plan, a plan that has never been his own. The plan of man is the plan of his unseen master, a plan that has always been in direct opposition to the plan of God. All we have to do today, is look at the past and be able to read the future. We know that man's future is directed by the "flesh". The desire of the flesh is to be satisfied, and the world today offers up all the enticements to feed its hunger.
The civilization of Sodom and Gomorrah illustrates how wicked and sick man can become, as he strives to feed the hunger of the "flesh". All morals had been lost, there was no sense of guilt and there was only increased wickedness without restraint. This great evil attracted God's attention and judgment soon followed. The parallel of these two cities and our world today, while given over to all manners of evil, cannot be ignored. The greatest of these evils is of course "homosexuality". In our world today, however, homosexual sins are being marketed as a normal, healthy, alternative life style. The great network of media is trying very hard to make society accept the idea that homosexual behavior is right and normal, that it should be tolerated and accepted. Movies and television programs feature and even glorify homosexuality now.
The Bible is clear, the increase of homosexual behavior (as in The Days of Lot), is a sign for the soon return of our Lord. There are of course other signs, other prophecies that must be fullfilled, but as this country and the world accepts this sin more and more, it is clearly a sign of His coming.
Standing At The Gate
It is expected that almost 4 million people will gather on January 20th, in our nation's capitol, to view the swearing in of our newly elected president. On this day 4 million voices will arise, praising the greatest political "magician" in the history of our country. A man, without credentials, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. A man who, along with his wife, has and continues to show only disdain for the values of our country. A country which he has yet to prove that he is a part of. His campaign has failed to produce a birth certificate verifying place of birth, or even the name under which he was registered at Columbia University. A man with empty educational records and empty political accomplishments.
Have you asked yourself how this man could have been elected President of the United States? How could so much about him be ignored by the people and by the media. How could "this man" be elected? The answer may be a simple one, when the facts are viewed. Poll after poll has been conducted revealing that the majority of his supporters were able to comprehend and communicate only on a fourth grade level. When these people were questioned about our country, its laws, its governing bodies and how it was formed, they failed even to answer even the basic questions. They were not able to tell the difference between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Most could not name their elected officials and did not know there are 3 branches of the government. When presented with the platform of the opposing candidate, they identified it as the platform for their own candidate, not even knowing what their candidate's platform consisted of.
Can you see now, how this man has been elected to the office of President? This man, who these who voted for him, see him more as a great and mighty King, than a president. Barack Obama is their deliverer, the one who will set them free from their obligations as citizens. Obligations of paying for what you own, obligations of providing food for your own family, obligations of working for and earning what you have. They believe all things will become free, free for them and paid for by all of us who voted against their deliverer. They will welcome in a new age, freed from the traditions of the past. Of course, not all who voted for the deliverer fell into this category, after all, look at the Hollywood Elite. Are they not of high intellect and able to discern the truth. It takes common sense, along with knowledge, to make truly sound decisions. Many of our "elite" are just deceived, and refuse to see the truth.
America, stands at the gate.
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Romans 1: 28-32
The minds of the American people have been numbed and clouded by spiritual decay. The truth of the above statement is lived out by the people of our nation each and every day. Consider the recent death of a young worker at Wal-Mart, when he was trampled to death by a group of people so hyped about a "sale" they "stomped" him to death, never stopping as they broke through the doors. Consider Sarah Palin, and the vile and filthy attacks upon her and her family. This was once a proud and mighty nation, the greatest the world has ever known. It is now only a shadow, a shell of what it once was. This is the fate of a country, a people, that willfully and continually ignores the will of the God. America is standing at the gate. Which way will you turn?
The Balsam Mountain Inn

The inn is a place of simplicity, as you find yourself transported back in time, to another era and way of life. The rooms have their own unique decor and are still without phones and tv. The Balsam Mountain Inn is modeled after the Saratoga Inn in New York, with 3 floors and a 100 foot 2 tier porch. Judi and I loved sitting in the library (The Red Room), browsing through a few books and drinking hot chocolate. I can't tell you how relaxing it was to be there and experience the inn.
Take time and visit The Balsam Mountain Inn website I am including. You may find yourself sitting on the front porch, in a place of wonder...the mountains of North Carolina.