Monday, February 2, 2009

Choosing A Life of Excellence

There are so many people today, who have the mindset that they were created to be just like everyone else around them. They go from day to day, going through the motions, because that's just how it is. It can never be any different, at least not for them. The same dead-end job, the same routine, day to without a purpose, without a goal. These people are caught in the trap of mediocrity--where they fail to do anything to better themselves. They have accepted the lifestyle and find themselves living in the land of "its good enough" and settling for whatever life hands them.

We must consciously choose to live a life of excellence, and avoid the rut of mediocrity. To live the life of excellence we must be proactive, and take action daily. It becomes too easy for us to just fall into how things are and then begin to take life as it comes. Never allow yourself to settle for mediocrity, let me tell you--- you are better than that. You were created to live in victory and as a winner, not in the rut of mediocrity. The first step to overcome mediocrity is to decide that you will be a person of excellence, that you will excel. Today, decide that you will be better than average. Make the changes in your life that will propel you toward your goals and the life of excellence. Refuse to be passive about your choices and make those choices which will lead you to victory. In this modern day of "instant gratification" and "give it to me now", too many of us are living in the moment only. Our choices should be made that will better our future, not just our today.

"Not now, I'm too tired...I'll do it later".
"I can't do it now, my favorite TV program is on".
"I don't have the support..."
"You know I can't..."
"I would, but..."

If we are to live the life of excellence, to be victors, we have to lay down our excuses and take responsibility for our lives. For our choices and decisions. It is our duty to press on toward our goals, and leave the complaining to those who live the life of mediocrity. They will have an abundance of excuses as they fail to take responsibility for lack of action. It has become a habit to be lazy, and just continue to take life as it comes. Of course, when things don't go their way, they begin making their excuses and blaming someone else. They will blame the state, the government, the church, the schools, the taxes, the job, the family, anyone but themselves.

It is much easier to take a passive stand in life, choosing to ignore our responsibility. That choice though, only leads deeper into the life of mediocrity. The lack of being responsible locks people into a self-made prison, until they are able to accept responsibility and begin to move forward to ward a life of excellence. Making excuses and failing to take responsibility is the best way to remain stuck in mediocrity, maybe that's what you want out of life. I can tell you that there is more, much more. Decide today, to never settle for second best. There is a life of excellence awaiting you, a life of victory. Refuse to let it pass you by!

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