Today is a day of remembrance for all those who have given their lives in service to our country, Memorial Day. Once known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day pays honor to the U.S. men and women who died while in military service. In the beginning, it was enacted to pay honor to Union soldiers of the Civil War, but later after the World War it was to include casualties of any war or military action. This nation's liberty and freedom has (and continues to be) paid for by the blood of our honored dead. The men and women of the United States military.
Memorial Day is a time we should remember that, "Duty, Honor, and Country" are much more than mere words to those who wear the uniform. They are the code by which they live and die.
Memorial Day is a special day. A day that should be special to each and every one of us, and never forgotten. How can anyone walk through Arlington...and not leave a different person.
Recently, a man who carries the title of President of the United States visited the European continent, and made "apologies" for what he called "American arrogance". I submit to all of Europe that the apology came from the man, not the nation. It is obvious to me as a citizen, that Barack Obama has little respect or regard for the military. He seems to even be at a loss to which citizens of which country give him the power he carelessly wields. I believe more Americans are in opposition to his condescending behavior, than those who are approving it. This man and his wife may not be proud of America, but make no mistake, we the people "are"!
As an American, and as a veteran...I find Barack Obama's apologies for American arrogance to be "offensive" to me as a citizen and a veteran. Our country and its soldiers never fought and died on foreign soil out of arrogance. An arrogant man would not die for a cause called "freedom", they would however try to find ways to minimize the fight and death of honorable men. Perhaps men such as Barack Obama who have never worn the uniform do not understand. If you ask me, there is a vast difference in being a solider and being a community organizer.
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