There is nothing that can stir things up more than a charge of "racism". Add a high profile leader (figure) behind that charge and the media goes into a frenzy. Joe Wilson's outburst last week continues to draw more attention, when we have individuals like former President Jimmy Carter now declaring that "racism" was behind the comment "You Lie". And unbelievably, that is exactly what Carter is saying: Wilson's two words of emotionalism--"Racism".
“I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African American,” Carter told NBC yesterday (see video below).President Carter's statement is of course typical for a liberal. Let's not answer the charge of Obama being a liar, let's call it a name "racism" and divert attention away from finding out the truth. Racism? Can we no longer make a statement or ask a question in this country. The Former House Speaker Newt Gingirch, who's fought several battles of his own, has said enough with the race card.
“I think it’s very destructive for America to suggest that we can’t criticize a president without it being a racial act,” Gingrich told FOX News this morning.Should we respond to Carter's statements, or should we simply ignore it. I don't believe that we can just ignore it all. Most of all, we can not allow it to change the focus of did President Obama lie. Again, this is a tactic of the liberals to get the argument off President Obama (the real subject at hand), the expanding of government in areas where it is unconstitutional and the government encroaching deeper into our lives. If we allow the left to direct the debate away from these facts, then we allow them to control the debate. We must recognize what is being done, call them on it and refocus on the real reasons for the protest, refusing to be misdirected. It isn't about racism, it is about truth.
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