Monday, November 24, 2008

Crime Wave

It is estimated that in the year 2005, there were about 10 million illegal aleins in this country. There are some experts who disagree with this number, believing it to be too conservative and place the number at 20 million. A study conducted, determined that between the years of 2000 and 2004, that there were 700,000 immigrants who entered the US illegally or overstayed their visa each year.

It was during this period of time, that the annual FBI Uniform Crime Report provided data stating that the crime rate was rising. It revealed a slow, but steady, increase in crime and especially in "violent crimes". A majority of these crimes were attributed to the increased number of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds.

The US Department of Justice issued a study on illegal immigrants who were incarcerated in local, state and federal facilities. The report contained data such as: number of illegals incarcerated, their country of birth, and of course, the cost of keeping them in "jail". A further study provided information on the illegals criminal history. The results of that study, conducted by The Government Accounting Office (at the request of Congress) is as follows:

(The study consisted of a sample of 55,322 illegal aliens from the incarcerated populations in local, state and federal facilities).

Total arrests = 459,614 times.
Average arrests per inmate = 8 times.

1. Nearly all had more than 1 arrest.
2. 38% (21,000) had between 2 to 5 arrests.
3. 32% (18,000) had between 6 to 10 arrests.
4. 26% (11,000) had more than 11 arrests.
5. Were arrested for a total of about 700,000 criminal offenses.
6. Criminal offenses averaged 13 for each illegal alien.
7. 45% of offenses were drug or immigration offenses.
8. 15% were property related offenses (burgarly, auto theft, destruction of property).
9. 12% were for violent crime (murder, assualt, sex related crimes).

I would remind you, that these numbers are only for a sampling of the total population of incarcerated illegals in this country. As you can imagine, these numbers are much higher, when regarding the total population of illegals. Is it just me, or is there something wrong with the system when an illegal alien can be arrested (on an average of 8 times) and still be in this country. What does it take to get deported back to your parent country? All over our nation, the crime rates are rising, along with more illegals being the criminals. It's time to shake up our senators and congressmen, and say "enough is enough", fix it now. It's time we hold them accountable and demand our borders be secured, and all immigrants be screened throughly, and that they in turn follow due process for citizenship. Period.

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