Friday, November 28, 2008

The Death of a Nation

While researching for a posting, I came across an article entitled "How To Destroy A Nation". I would like to share some of the highlights of that article with you today. I would ask that as you read the methods given to destroying a nation, that you seriously consider America and where we stand today.

The article began with the question "If I were given the power to take down a nation, how would I do it?"

A giant step to bringing down a nation would be to "control the monetary system". Tax the population and continue to increase the taxes. Refuse to control the national debt, continuing to amass greater and greater debt. Institute and implement a myriad of programs providing "handouts". Shut down manufacturing plants, mills and shops...sending them overseas where the labor rates are pennies compared to the US wages. Allow foreign workers to continue to immigrate taking American jobs at one third of the wages.

Ensure that all major decision making is moved to the executive branch, where Presidential Directives and Executive Orders will be utilized. Pit the American worker against the immigrants, creating as much hatred and chaos as possible.

Limit and control any choices in"voting", keeping the field limited to a two party system, where only the "wealthy" need apply. Each party will be controlled and given scripted points to talk about, avoiding the real issues facing Americans, as much as possible. Maintain a pretense of a representative democracy.

Set up an Education Department that will dictate insane mandates, policies and regulations to "dumb down" our future generations. A dumb population after all, is an easily controlled population. Allow the country to become awash with drugs that are mind-numbing and filled with brain destroying chemicals.

Allow the HMO's, Pharmaceuticals and Insurance companies to destroy what was once an "affordable" medical system. Make retirement an impossibility for seniors and those with fixed incomes and pensions.

Institute perpetual war, having to borrow billions for destruction.

America, where do we stand today? Waco, Ruby Ridge, school shootings, roadblocks, identity theft and security cameras. Limit or totally prevent information and discussion on all sides of an issue. Corporate control of all media is a necessity, if Americans are to be taught what to think---not how to think.

Trade agreements will lead to massive unemployment, farms that have died, imported food, foreclosures and homelessness.

Give away the land, rivers, waterways, roads, schools, and utilities to foreign investors. Keep the people distracted with amusement parks, ball games, shopping malls, expensive cars, OJ, Paris Hilton, and Rosie O'Donnell.

A must--all authority must rest in the hands of corporate interests. The few who do object will be labeled as "conspirators, un-American, and traitors". This is how I would destroy a nation.

Again, as when I began this posting, I would ask that you seriously consider America and where she stands today. I was unable to find the author's name of the above article, but they were able to just in a few pages provide a means of taking down a nation. As I read through the article, I realized how far America has gone in the wrong directions. I would ask today, that you join me and say enough is enough, as we hold our leaders accountable and make whatever corrections are required. I still believe we live in the greatest country on earth, and I for one, refuse to just sit back without fighting for our freedoms and our home. God bless you today, and God bless the United States of America.

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