Thursday, November 20, 2008

"God Given Rights"

I believe that the Declaration of Independence is the mission statement of America. It follows that if the Declaration is our mission statement, then the Constitution is the bylaws by which the government shall be restrained. As we know the Constitution was created and written to place limits on the government, never by any means to control the people.

The Declaration states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…."

It is imperative that we understand that our "rights" are granted by God and not by the government. If the government were able to grant our rights, then the government could also revoke those rights. If God gives us our rights, then only God can revoke our rights. The truth...the government is to protect our God given rights. Ask yourself this question: "If God is not over our government, then who are our leaders held accountable to?"

In our country today, we find that God is removed more and more from the picture. What will happen when He is no longer in the picture? What if our country and its laws should become totally secularized, without God? I feel often that I am being placed in a position that I must keep my faith to myself, and see my country "One Nation Under God", failing to recognize God. If it is God who grants us our rights, then the government must answer to God.

It is obvious that anti-christian biggorty is running rampant. I would encourage you to note, that the attacks on religous freedom in this country are on Christianity. It riles me to no end to see that no one is trying to silence the Muslims, the Atheists, or the Humanists. We are told to be sensitive to these faiths, to try to understand them and to tolerate all their "isms" (environmentalism, socialism, communism, and secularism). It is time the Church takes a stand, and refuses to back down. Let's put God back in America, where He belongs, in a nation that recognizes Him and with leaders that hold themselves accountable to Him. Let us never forget that our rights are "God Given".

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