Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dead in Medocrity or Alive in Excellence

Have you ever noticed how often people will complain about their lives, but do nothing about it? You will find it all around us, people appearing to be content with "just getting by". Doing just enough, barely enough to stay afloat. They have become comfortable in their circumstance, and are satisfied with the ordinary. These people have chosen to live in mediocrity, a place of stagnation and death. It is these "just getting by" folks that run to gossip about and attempt to tear down, anyone, who strives and seeks for more in life. They become so excited when someone who is "trying" is knocked down. They find joy in making fun of other's dreams, and will do many things to hinder some one's desire for excellence.

If you are someone who refuses to live a life of "ordinary", "just getting by" and "mediocrity", then ignore those who would steal your dreams and begin to live a life excellence. You and I are barely able to know what we can accomplish and what capabilities we have. God has created us in victory, to live a life of fullness and one of fulfilling our potential. I don't believe that we have even begun to understand all that God has created us to be. If you and I are to have an impact, anywhere at anytime, on the world we live in--then we must set the bar as high as possible.

We should be pursuing life, with a can-do spirit and refusal to entertain failure. If we allow the cold fingers of mediocrity to touch us with unhappiness, illness, emptiness and failure, then we have stepped from "living in excellence" to "sitting dead in mediocrity". We must commit ourselves to achieving personal excellence, and modeling it for other plants. Never allow yourself
to give up or quit, stand your ground and do all you can do. Choose to live that life of excellence.

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