Sunday, February 22, 2009

God Uses Those Who Fail

If you could talk to the majority of us, and we were open and honest with you, you would find that almost all of us have experienced many failures during our lives. How many of us are haunted by bad choices we have made, feeling guilty because of our shortcomings and failures. I have lived through enough to know that the world around us is filled with those who are broken, weak and hurting. I think we would be shocked to know just how "human" most of us really are.

Have you ever wondered if you were the only one going through what you were experiencing? Have you asked yourself if you were the only one who had to fight this same battle over and over? We all battle the same temptations, weaknesses and struggles as we live our lives. We all do, and we have all failed. Did you know that there isn't one person without "sin, failures or a past?" Even those that we respect so greatly, are not without sin, failures and a past in their lives. We all have them. The Bible tells us of our greatest heroes of faith, and it also tells us just how human they were. It tells us about how they struggled with sin, with bad choices, faults in their character and their weaknesses.

We find it much easier to talk about our "successes", than to open up about our failures. I suppose that's just the "human" part of us, fighting to protect ourselves. Not wanting anyone else to see our past, and know we have had our share of mistakes and failures. So, we talk about everything but those weaknesses and those sins, trying to push them deeper and deeper into our past. We just don't want people to see us that way, to learn we too are just of the "human" kind. Common flesh and bone. Why is it then, that we are so quick to want to write someone off, or judge them, when we find they have had personal struggles in their lives. You and I live in a real world, with real sin and people who are fighting real struggles. It may well be that you aren't struggling with overeating, drugs, alcohol, lying, stealing, cheating, gossiping or fornication. But how many of us are dealing with inner struggles such as depression or even thoughts of suicide. How many of us deal every day with failures, that no one knows about, and then struggle with the guilt that fills us.

I just want to in some way today, let you know, that in spite of what the "guilt" tells you or the devil tries to tell you, that God uses failures and will always forgive us and heal us. God knows us, the real us, with all our faults and struggles. We have to only ask for Him to forgive us, repent and rely on Him. God specializes in using the broken, the empty, the failures, the weak and the struggling. We are made in God's image and there is no way, God is close to being finished with us. If you fail, just go to Him and ask to be forgiven, knowing He is just to forgive. Never give up!
Never quit! You are worthy, and you are a winner with a calling of God. He wants to use us all, all of us even if we are broken, wounded, empty, tired, weak and human. God uses failures.

Some of the greatest men and women of faith, used by God, made some of the worst mistakes. I often look at what they achieved, but today instead of how great they were, let's be inspired by how human they were.

Moses stuttered.

Timothy had ulcers.

Hosea's wife was a prostitute.

Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.

Jacob was a liar.

David had an affair.

Solomon had too many women

Abraham was too old.

David was too young.

Peter was afraid of death.

Lazarus was dead.

John was self-righteous.

Paul was a murderer.

Moses was a murderer.

Jonah ran from God.

Miriam was a gossip.

Gideon and Thomas both doubted.

Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal.

Elijah was a burn out.

John the Baptist had a mouth.

Martha was a worried.

Mary was lazy.

Samson had long hair.

Noah got drunk.

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