Thursday, August 27, 2009

Will We Keep America Free?

I believe we are living in a time that our individual freedoms, and our country's sovereignty, are under an intense attack.These freedoms are now in danger because of our federal elected officials, who continue to refuse to take action or insist on taking the wrong actions. The recent town hall meetings are examples of Americans who simply have had enough of these officials and their actions.

We, the American people, live in the greatest nation on earth. A nation of freedom, fought for and paid for by the blood of those who have gone before us and who continue to fight for it today. The price of our freedom has cost us greatly, and you only have to view Arlington to understand that cost. Today, however, I find we are at odds with our elected officials (leaders), over many issues. Issues of freedom and our sovereignty. We have elected officials who are out of control in spending, they continue to fail in securing our borders and preventing illegal immigration, they want more government expansion, more intrusion into our lives, greater regulations and more taxes, and its recent financial bailouts have driven our nation into trillions of dollars of debt. When I was a young boy, I watched a T.V. program entitled "Lost In Space". A regular weekly show about a family that when on a mission, became lost in space. The family's young son was named Will Robinson, and the family had a robot that had traveled into space with them. I have forgotten how many times I heard that robot cry out a warning to young Will, when he said "Danger, Will Robinson, Danger". Crying out to warn the young boy of impending danger, and trying to protect him. Today, America needs to hear the cry of- "Danger"!

There are many who want us to believe that the current administration have the "ideas" that will solve our country's economic issues. These ideas, however, of the Obama administration follow very closely to the ideas of Vladimir Lenin used in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Don't believe it, let's take a look. Lenin nationalized the banks in Russia, the railroads and of course-industry, there was food rationing, forced labor camps for the so-called "re-education" of the non-believer and eventually almost all private enterprise was outlawed. It wasn't long after Lenin's death, that Stalin in taking over Russia, created a state-run system of socialized health care and yes, an administration to "re-educate" the people. I believe there is every reason for us to believe that our own country, is now surely and slowly moving in this direction.

Daily, we hear about the Obama health care plan, and just as Stalin, he will try to impose a system of socialized medicine upon the American people. Let us not forget the White House wanting Americans to send in information on other Americans who disagreed with the health care plan. You tell me, what would have happened if former president Bush had issued that directive. The arrogance of the Obama administration amazes me. The current administration policies the president is seeking to implement, will place the small business owners under such crushing taxes that many will perish or simply give up. Danger!! Danger!! Although this isn't outright outlawing of private enterprise, its results will accomplish many of the original goals of the communists in Russia.

Our liberties and our freedoms are now at stake, and we as Americans must stand and fight for them. We must refuse to allow them to be trampled on and taken from us. The Founders of our nation, made it clear to us that the Government is to get their powers from the consent of those governed (we the people). The Founding Fathers also told us that when the government becomes destructive of these ends, it is not only our right, but it is our sacred duty to change the government. Next year, 2010, we will be able to vote and make a difference in many of our elected officials. We will have the opportunity then, to make changes and send a needed message to all our elected officials---"You are a servant of 'We the People'". We will have the opportunity to come together, to keep and restore our freedoms, our liberty and our sovereignty. Until the next time.

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