Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Word and Who I Am

When you read the Bible, do you ever wonder how the stories between its pages really apply to your life? How they are relevant to the circumstances or situations that you may be facing? I know that I have often heard the Bible called "just a book full of stories", "myths" and so on, but in truth the Word is much more than just a book of stories. It is our our manual, the manual, for living a life of success.

If there is an experience in life--the Bible is your road map and guide through it. It is more than just words in ink, placed on paper for us to read. Within its pages, flowing from Genesis through The Revelation, you will find the answers to every problem, challenge and circumstance that you will face. As you read the Word, meditating and digesting it, you will find that it will also begin to shape your "image". It is God's desire for us to live and function on Earth as He does in Heaven. The bible will provide you with the image of the living God, His character and His nature. The more that you read the Word, and meditate upon it, the more it will influence how you see yourself and the outcome of your life. Being able to know who you are "from the Word" and then taking action on what you learn, allows you to conform more and more to the image of God. In the book of James, 1:23-24, we are told about the person who reads the Word, but doesn't let it move him to take any action. It says, "For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was." There is no doubt, as we look into God's Word that we will discover who we truly are. If we allow the Word to speak to us, and meditate upon it, we will come to know our true identity.

In our lives, when challenges and circumstances come, we shouldn't bow down and submit to them believing things have to remain that way. It is during those tough times that we need to go to the Word and seek out how God wants us to respond. Pray, asking God to lead you into an understanding of the Word, so that you can understand how to apply it to what's going on in your life. Use the Word. Just remember, there were many people in the Bible who found themselves experiencing the same emotions, thoughts and circumstances that people are facing today. One of my favorite men from the Bible is David. David had a tremendous destiny before him, but just think of the trials, situations and circumstances he faced on the way to his destiny. In Psalms we hear David crying, pleading, praising and worshiping, finding himself in the lowest valleys and on the highest mountains. He experienced so much of what many people are facing today in their own lives. Yet, David declared in Psalm 119:105:

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

David knew that the Word would provide the guidance that he needed. That it would reveal who he really was and provide the strength to choose the right paths. It is no different for us today, the Word will still reveal our true self, while providing the strength and light we need. David could have allowed the circumstances of his life to stop him, prevent him from fulfilling his destiny...but, David understood who he was and David knew his God. We need to let the Word shape us, form us...molding our identity. Each day, we can face life and what it throws at us...because we will know who we are and we will know our God. Until the next time.

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